In the 1990's Gary and Ray, added Reinforced Concrete Frames to our procurement of projects. We used our previous experience in Civil Engineering, with planning and discipline to successfully complete projects on time. Using table soffit forms and Bamtec Rolled Reinforcement, we were able to cut programme time by some weeks.
R.C. Frames Brighton - Madeira Flats, Flats 58 Palmeira Avenue, Flats 43 Palmeira Avenue, St Andrews School, Social Flats Wellsbourne Avenue, Social flats Findon Road.
Other Areas - Flats Bluewater, Flats Tunbridge Wells, Hill Crest School Hastings, Lacuna Place Flats and Shops Hastings, Flats St Patricks Gravesend and many more.
The Trusted Formwork
Ask Southern Contractors Ltd
5 Cornfield Terrace
East Sussex
BN21 4NN
Tel: +44 (0) 7800586543
Tel: +44 (0) 7967657072